Complete STD Panel

Most common HIV tests use blood to detect HIV infection by looking for a person’s antibodies to the HIV virus and is called an ELISA test. A positive antibody ELISA  test must be confirmed with another test called Western Blot which looks for antibodies to specific parts of the virus.   This Western Blot test is […]


PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. This test looks directly for HIV RNA in your blood. This test does not wait for your body to make antibodies to HIV infection.  It has the shortest potential window period and can detect HIV after  3 days to 4 weeks after an exposure. PCR stands for Polymerase Chain […]

Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

This test screens for gonorrhea and chlamydia, common STDs that can infect the penis, vagina, rectum, and throat. You may or may not have any symptoms. If left untreated, these STDs can lead to serious complications like infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Gonorrhea and chlamydia may be cured in almost all cases with the right treatment.  […]

Syphilis With Confirmation

Syphilis is a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. This test screens for syphilis, an infection that leads to sores on the penis and vagina , rashes, and lesions on your body . The disease starts as a painless sore — typically on the genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person […]

Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects the liver; it is a type of viral hepatitis.    It is transmitted by blood and body fluids from an infected person.  It can cause both acute and chronic infection.[1] Many people have no symptoms during the initial infection.[1] In acute […]

Prostate-specific antigen PSA Test for Prostate Cancer.

The United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the PSA test for annual screening of prostate cancer in men of age 50 and older.[ The patient is required to be informed of the risks and benefits of PSA testing prior to performing the test.[   PSA levels over 4 ng/mL (nanograms per […]